[Qgis-user] Re: Can not add postgis table

Nomeneta Saili nome.saili at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 12:53:28 PST 2012

Hi Andreas Neumann. Thank you for the help.

I tried connection to our psotgres server and it fails to connect with this
error message.

" Server doesn't listen
The server doesn't accept connections: the connection library reports
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the
server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port
5432? "

So it looks like a postrgres connection issue and i will also ask the
postges list for help.

I am a bit confused though as the postgresql.config file is already set to
listen to all ip in " listen_addesses * "

My client PC address in particular is also included in the pg_hba.confg
file with these parameters "host    all         all        trust"

There were no updates made to all software or any changes to our network
according to our network administrator.

I stopped our anti virus (Kaspersky) to check if it might be it blocking

I already rebooted my server and client PC

I tried access using a client PC at our main office where our postgres
server is hosted but still no connection.

We have been using QGIS 1.7 to update our postgis database. Every morning
we create an offline project to take to the field to do our field asset
validation (power utility assets). In the afternoon we synchronize it to
our central postgis database. We have been doing this since June last year
without any problems. However yesterday afternoon when we tried
to synchronize we encountered this connection problem. It was connecting in
the morning.

Am i missing something?.



On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 7:00 AM, <qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Send Qgis-user mailing list submissions to
>        qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>        http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>        qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>        qgis-user-owner at lists.osgeo.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Qgis-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Can not add postgis table (Andreas Neumann)
>   2. Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Composer right click
>      menu (Anita Graser)
>   3. Re: Composer right click menu (Andreas Neumann)
>   4. Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Composer right click
>      menu (Marco Bernasocchi)
>   5. Problems with adding a WFS layer (Ari Jolma)
>   6. Create Garmin Custom Maps from QGIS as background maps    for
>      your GPS (SBL)
>   7. how to get a custom profile picture on hub.qgis.org?
>      (Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da)
>   8. Re: how to get a custom profile picture on hub.qgis.org?
>      (J?rgen E. Fischer)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 09:00:51 +0100
> From: Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Can not add postgis table
> To: <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
> Message-ID: <d970c55963f2b068f024fea10b9ff292 at carto.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>  Hi Nome,
>  Is pgAdmin3 on the client machine able to connect to Postgis on the
>  Server? QGIS is using libpq, as is pgAdmin3. So please check first that
>  pgAdmin3 from the client can connect to the server.
>  Were there any updates on PostgreSQL or QGIS recently?
>  Andreas
>  On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 19:09:54 +1400, Nomeneta Saili wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I am having problems with adding my postGIS tables remotely through
> > QGIS 1.7.
> >
> > It has worked before flawlessly until this morning. Now when i try to
> > connect and add postgis table it its say "could not connect to server
> > : connection timeout".Â
> >
> > My network is working fine and there were no changes made. My
> > postgres
> > server is up an running. I am able to connect and add my postgis
> > tables through QGIS on my server that is running my Postgres server
> > fine. Its when i try to access it from a client PC that is not
> > working.
> >
> > The ports are opened the ph_hba config file is configured to allow
> > access. Basically the same setting as before which was working until
> > this morning.
> >
> > Does anyone has any idea where the problem might be?. I am able to
> > access my mapserver and other services on my GIS Server but only this
> > functionality is not work.
> >
> > Any help is appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Nome    Â
> --
>  --
>  Andreas Neumann
>  Böschacherstrasse 10A
>  8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
>  Switzerland
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 09:06:22 +0100
> From: Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Composer right click
>        menu
> To: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>,
>        qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID:
>        <CAFFV8FiTxHRwVdXEyGYL6Gty-8D_SeLYSeb_ohhwCLp0Nw7N4A at mail.gmail.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:
> >  On 02/07/2012 09:41 AM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Remove/Show border ??
> >
> > I find myself almost always removing the (default) border for nearly
> every
> > item that can have a border. I was considering to request that borders be
> > *off* by default. A right click menu entry would certainly help for this.
> >
> +1 for a fast way to remove the default border.
> Regards,
> Anita
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> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 09:09:03 +0100
> From: Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Composer right click menu
> To: <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
> Message-ID: <ee8e98cb9385cab2e95f076691874347 at carto.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>  Hi,
>  I agree with Micha. Borders shouldn't be on by default.
>  The right click context menu is ok with me as long as there is another
>  way to access the same functionality. Some platforms do not easily
>  support right-click context menus (such as Android, or crippled Macs
>  with just one mouse button). Maybe Marco B. can find a way to support
>  right click through a long-click.
>  Ok to the idea with "Item as template".
>  Nathan - thanks a lot for your work!
>  Andreas
>  On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 09:54:30 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
> > On 02/07/2012 09:41 AM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> >
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> Playing around with some ideas I have for the print composer and I
> >> was thinking it might be handy to add a right click context menu.for
> >> items. Nothing in the menus would be context menu only stuff mainly
> >> just shortcuts to existing functions. Stuff like:
> >>
> >> * Align
> >> * Group
> >> * Ungroup
> >> * Lock
> >
> >  Remove/Show border ??
> >
> >  I find myself almost always removing the (default) border for nearly
> > every item that can have a border. I was considering to request that
> > borders be *off* by default. A right click menu entry would certainly
> > help for this.
> >
> >  Thanks,
> >  Micha
> >
> >> I have also had ideas for a menu item called "Save Item as
> >> Template..." which will save the settings of the selected composer
> >> item out which you can then do a "Load Item From Template.." which
> >> will load the settings back again. Could be handy if you have a
> >> legend that you use on different composers, but can't really use a
> >> full template for as you already have other stuff on the composer.
> >>
> >> Thoughts? Yay or Nay?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Nathan
> >> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Qgis-user mailing list
> >> Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org [1]
> >> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user [2]
> >>
> >> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> >
> >
> >
> > Links:
> > ------
> > [1] mailto:Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> > [2] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> --
>  --
>  Andreas Neumann
>  Böschacherstrasse 10A
>  8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
>  Switzerland
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 09:13:26 +0100
> From: Marco Bernasocchi <marco at bernawebdesign.ch>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] Composer right click
>        menu
> To: Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>
> Cc: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>,
>        qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID:
>        <CALWXeEG7adcfU7Jjq4ZMKOnLL5U94Bb_vFY2vbQ6BjxDGdRrvw at mail.gmail.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Feb 7, 2012 9:06 AM, "Anita Graser" <anitagraser at gmx.at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 02/07/2012 09:41 AM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Remove/Show border ??
> >>
> >> I find myself almost always removing the (default) border for nearly
> every item that can have a border. I was considering to request that
> borders be *off* by default. A right click menu entry would certainly help
> for this.
> >
> >
> > +1 for a fast way to remove the default border.
> +1 for even taking it away by default
> Ciao
> Marco
> >
> > Regards,
> > Anita
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Qgis-developer mailing list
> > Qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
> > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
> >
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 14:24:58 +0200
> From: Ari Jolma <ari.jolma at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Qgis-user] Problems with adding a WFS layer
> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID: <4F31181A.5000502 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hello,
> I've set up a WFS server and try to use layers it services. I'm
> currently using 1.7.3-Wroclaw. The server is GDAL based written in Perl.
> I find that QGIS is very picky (more than Firefox) on the size of XML
> and may stall on waiting for characters - this is an issue with XML
> files containing non-ascii characters. I believe I have fixed those
> issues though and now the XML is correct utf8 and size is reported in
> bytes as it is supposed to.
> I have a particular layer that QGIS receives well when served over
> standard http but stalls when trying to access it over https. The same
> URL works well in Firefox and ogrinfo receives the same layer without
> problems. QGIS prints "received 16384 bytes from 38435" to the status
> line and goes grey. 38435 is the correct size and the server sends it in
> exactly the same way to QGIS, Firefox and ogrinfo.
> I have no idea why this layer (some work well) and why https is a
> problem and http is not (for this layer).
> Any ideas?
> Ari Jolma
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 06:56:26 -0800 (PST)
> From: SBL <Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no>
> Subject: [Qgis-user] Create Garmin Custom Maps from QGIS as background
>        maps    for your GPS
> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID: <1328626586015-4372763.post at n6.nabble.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Dear all
> Today, the GarminCustomMap - plugin reached a beta-version status.
> The plugin exports the current map-canvas into a
> http://garmin.blogs.com/my_weblog/2009/11/garmin-makes-custom-maps-free-and-easy.html
> GraminCustomMap-file (.kmz) , which can be used as a background map on
> compatible Garmin GPS units. See:
> http://support.garmin.com/support/searchSupport/case.faces?caseId={7aca6c60-ac37-11e0-d01c-000000000000}
> It has been successfully tested on a Windows XP and a Ubuntu machine, but
> further testing would be very much appreciated.
> Hopefully, the first stable version will be released soon (after external
> testing).
> If you are running a QGIS version <1.8, add
> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml  to the 3rd-party
> repositories,
> to get access to the plugin. It is still marked as experimental, so you
> would have to check that experimental plugins are listed.
> Cheers
> Stefan
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Create-Garmin-Custom-Maps-from-QGIS-as-background-maps-for-your-GPS-tp4372763p4372763.html
> Sent from the Quantum GIS - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 15:11:29 +0000
> From: Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da <ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Qgis-user] how to get a custom profile picture on
>        hub.qgis.org?
> To: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <CAFcNcQaWmdR7w6B1Xo2GhCQzSiGqcJa7Was9EUzj-=FvZJ-PHQ at mail.gmail.com
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi list
> How can I set a custom picture for my profile on hub.qgis.org?
> Thanks
> --
> ___________________________ ___ __
> Ricardo Garcia Silva
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 16:42:26 +0100
> From: J?rgen E. Fischer <jef at norbit.de>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] how to get a custom profile picture on
>        hub.qgis.org?
> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> Message-ID: <20120207154226.GA4241 at norbit.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi Ricardo,
> On Tue, 07. Feb 2012 at 15:11:29 +0000, Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da
> wrote:
> > How can I set a custom picture for my profile on hub.qgis.org?
> I think that's done with registering your email address on gravatar.com.
> Jürgen
> --
> Jürgen E. Fischer         norBIT GmbH               Tel. +49-4931-918175-20
> Dipl.-Inf. (FH)           Rheinstraße 13            Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
> Software Engineer         D-26506 Norden
> http://www.norbit.de
> --
> norBIT Gesellschaft fuer Unternehmensberatung und Informationssysteme mbH
> Rheinstrasse 13, 26506 Norden
> GF: Jelto Buurman, HR: Amtsgericht Emden, HRB 5502
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Qgis-user mailing list
> Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
> End of Qgis-user Digest, Vol 72, Issue 13
> *****************************************

Nomeneta Saili
MIS/GIS Ofiicer
EPC Vaitele
MOB : 7565412
DD : 65504/65507
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