[Qgis-user] Updating a table

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Feb 15 08:55:54 PST 2012

So the follow-up to that then, did you turn off edit mode when done? It
should have prompted you to save changes (though you don't have to wait
for that their is a save button on the editing toolbar.


On 02/14/2012 11:33 PM, Brett Adams wrote:
> Alex,
> You quite right, I was saving the points off to shape file first. I then
> reimport the SHP file for editing.
> It is here that the moved points don't seem to stick.
> Sorry for the confusion
> Brett
> On 15/02/2012 3:24 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> On 02/14/2012 11:00 PM, Brett Adams wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> I've a bunch of points loaded in from a CSV file.
>>> I then deleted a few, and moved some others.   Saved the edit.
>>> When I export the points the deleted points have gone but the moved
>>> points remain the original position, not the new position.
>>> How do I update the table to retain the new coords?
>>> Thanks in advance
>> Generally after import from csv you'll want to save the data into a
>> spatial format (e.g. gml, shp or kml), just right click on the layer
>> name and Save As... Once you've done that you can expect that edits
>> should stick.
>> It sounds like you hit an unexpected behavior in csv handling and we'll
>> need to look in the tickets to see if someone has reported this before
>> or if it can be fixed other than the work-around I mentioned above.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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