[Qgis-user] Questions QGIS webclient

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Feb 27 13:06:04 PST 2012

Hi Bernhard,

On 02/27/2012 05:22 PM, bernhard.stroebl at jena.de wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am fiddling around with QGIS server and webclient and I do like both
> of them. Thank you for this software!
> Whereas QGIS server's configuration is pretty straightforward QGIS
> webclient is a higher hurdle.
> Here are some questions (more to follow, I am sure :):
> 1) searchComboBox: I configured two search relations (views): streets
> MULTILINESTRING and addresses POINT in my database and they are searched
> ok BUT the map does not zoom in at the feature chosen in the comboBox
> although the geometry is highlighted on the map

It really should zoom to the feature. Maybe it is an issue of map scale
or units? What units and scales are you using?

Do you have the search somewhere available to test or can you share a
snippet from the search result?

Here is a valid request on my server and the corresponding result:


stcCallback1003({"results": [
{"searchtable": null, "displaytext": "Flurnamen", "bbox":
null},{"searchtable": "av_user.suchtabelle", "displaytext":
"Hasenb\u00fcel (Flurname, Uster)", "bbox":
{"searchtable": "av_user.suchtabelle", "displaytext": "Hinterer
Hasenb\u00fcel (Flurname, Uster)", "bbox":
{"searchtable": null, "displaytext": "Strassen", "bbox": null},
{"searchtable": "av_user.suchtabelle", "displaytext": "Hinterer
Hasenb\u00fcelweg (Strasse, Uster)", "bbox":
{"searchtable": "av_user.suchtabelle", "displaytext": "Vorderer
Hasenb\u00fcelweg (Strasse, Uster)", "bbox":

> 2) MapTips: the map tip always shows the layer's name no matter which
> field I defined in my layer properties in the project. Or is the
> webclient's map tip configured elsewhere?

Currently it is hardwired to a column named "tooltip". You need to
create an attribute or column in your table or view named "tooltip".

Currently there is no way to know which column is set for the maptip.
Later we will take the column name from the QGIS configuration as soon
as QGIS server supports that. The current GetCapabilities request does
not tell us which column is set for map tips. I think this will be
available later this spring as we also want to have the ability to
dynamically set map tips for QGIS client.

Hope this helps,

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