[Qgis-user] Converting CSV into a database

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Jan 28 13:46:58 PST 2012

A classic problem we really need to tackle better: you're missing the
python-qgis package or maybe the base plugins

sudo apt-get install python-qgis python-qgis-common

Give that a try, restart qgis and see if you have python plugin access.


On 01/28/2012 01:39 PM, Gerhardus Geldenhuis wrote:
> Thanks Alex,
> I only have "Manage Plugins" and "Python Console" on my Plugins menu and my
> list of plugins does not contain qspatialite plugin. I am using 1.7.0 on
> Ubuntu. I am trying to get the spatialite gui working at the moment as the
> alternative.
> Regards
>  http://www.gaia-gis.it
> On 28 January 2012 21:16, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote:
>> On 01/28/2012 01:08 PM, Gerhardus Geldenhuis wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have spend some time polishing the data I have and it is in csv
>> format. I
>>> would like to run queries on it and display a number of custom queries's
>>> data on my map. I thought spatialite would be the answer but I am
>>> struggling to connect the dots. I first tried to import the csv file
>>> directly which worked a treat. I then exported the csv file as a SQLite
>>> database and tried to add it as Spatialite database, that failed for
>>> obvious reasons.
>>> I then thought that maybe I can directly do queries on the csv data.... I
>>> managed to get a query working on the data and that query now displays
>>> different coloured dots. However I could not find this query again nor
>> seem
>>> to be able to change the symbology based on the query type.
>>> My csv file contain multiple types of points which I would like to map
>> with
>>> different symbology. Any help would be appreciated. The manual explains
>> how
>>> to create a spatialite db but makes no mention of how to get data into a
>>> spatialite db,
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Best Regards
>> Try the QSpatialite plugin (from Fetch python plugins).
>> 1. Create an empty spatial database
>> 2. Connect and use the Upload Tables tab under which you can pick CSV as
>> the source.
>> Alternative method, download the spatialite gui from spatialite website
>> and use that to import the csv. Once imported QGIS will be able to see
>> it, though you may need to create a geometry column and run an update
>> query to populate it.
>> Enjoy,
>> Alex
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