[Qgis-user] Compilation Error

Remy CLAVERIE remy.claverie at orange.fr
Thu Aug 8 08:42:20 PDT 2013



When I try to compile the github version of QGIS, I have the following error at 89% :

Error copying file (if different) from "/home/claverie/Qgis/Source/Quantum-GIS/build-master/python/plugins/sextante/ui_SextanteToolbox.py" to "/home/claverie/Qgis/Source/Quantum-GIS/build-master/output/python/plugins/sextante/ui".


Who know what is the source of this error ?


My configuration :


Ubuntu 12.04
QT 4.8.1
qmake 2.01a
python 2.7.3
cmake 2.8.7
make 3.81


Thanks a lot for your help



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