[Qgis-user] Newbie with request for advice

Art alf1361 at zoho.com
Fri Jan 4 11:49:10 PST 2013

Yes! Any information on implementing this feature on Linux would be much 


On 1/4/2013 8:08 AM, Johan Nilsson wrote:
> I'm also very interested in 'ESRI file geodatabase', not the 'Personal 
> geodatabase', ( mdb or ms-access, or JET database) that ESRI not 
> recommend to use...
> I tried to compile for month ago, but I think I stuck on the same 
> place Art get stuck..
> /Cheers
> 2013/1/4 Randal Hale <rjhale at northrivergeographic.com 
> <mailto:rjhale at northrivergeographic.com>>
>     Hi Art,
>     So I've got QGIS running on windows and linux. I haven't tried to
>     compile file geodatabase support into my linux install (that's on
>     my list to do). On my windows install I'm running OSGeo4Win -
>     adding file based geodatabase support was easy - I just added the
>     "module" and had support (I'm currently on my linux machine and
>     not near my windows machine - or I would tell you exactly what I
>     added).
>     My windows machine is running Windows 7 64bit - my linux machine
>     is running xubuntu. I own a consulting business and have ArcGIS
>     running on my windows machine. There's not way I'm ever going to
>     windows 8. So I'm sticking with windows 7 for ESRI and migrating
>     as much of my workflow over to linux as I can...as I tell people -
>     A clip is a clip and a buffer is a buffer. So I'll do what I can
>     on linux and when I have to go with ESRI I'll jump over to windows.
>     Now that I read all of this - I should really try to compile file
>     based support on this laptop over the weekend.
>     Randy
>     Randal Hale, GISP
>     North River Geographic Systems, Inc
>     http://www.northrivergeographic.com  
>     423.653.3611  <tel:423.653.3611>  rjhale at northrivergeographic.com  <mailto:rjhale at northrivergeographic.com>
>     twitter:rjhale
>     http://about.me/rjhale
>     On 01/01/2013 03:05 PM, Art wrote:
>>     I have two options right now. I am a Linux lover, and I am
>>     investigating compiling the Esri File Geodatabase API on Linux.
>>     However, the other option is to handle it all through Windows,
>>     probably using OsGeo4Win. That means I would probably have to
>>     make a switch to Windows. I do have a copy of ESRI's ArcGIS that
>>     will work until August that was given to me for a GIS Course, so
>>     I will have that option for some time but it will not be
>>     permanent. Does anyone have a recommended course of action? I
>>     have attached the results from my last compile attempt involving
>>     the File Geodatabase API. I have not found a detailed set of
>>     compiling instructions to make and install it, and am uncertain
>>     as to how I should proceed further.
>>     Art
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