[Qgis-user] Add table excel and categorize

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Mon Nov 11 12:45:55 PST 2013


adding a csv is not the same like loading a shape. So you can't edit it.  
Loading as dbf should give you write permissions (OpenOffice/Libre Office  
still offer dbf support, while new Excel versions don't)

I assume you joined the csv to an existing layer? In QGIS 2.0, the joined  
columns are presented for classification, in 1.8 you will (i think) have  
to make the join permanent by saving the joined layer to a new one. Then,  
all attributes are editable as well.

Hope I answered your questions


Am 11.11.2013, 19:53 Uhr, schrieb labiancamarilena at libero.it  
<labiancamarilena at libero.it>:

> Dear all members of list,
> I have to add a table in excel that contains indices calculated for each  
> municipality.
> I turned the sheet from excel to csv and added to the table of  
> attributes as usual, but I have two problems:
> 1.
> Some data (indexes) when combined (the table  with common code and other  
> attributes)
> appear with the word
> "null", I can add them manually? When I try to add them by editing the  
> appropriate line, but the program does not save the changes.
> 2.
> When I want to customize the style,
> ie I want to categorize the classified data (they are many) and I do not  
> know how to reduce or customize intervals. When I try the option  
> graduated the values ​​joined (indices) to the table (municipalities) do  
> not appear in the column.Thanks.

Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374

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