[Qgis-user] Joining with Multiple Locations per Person

Sasa Sullivan sasssaa at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 16:27:50 PST 2013

I am looking for a process for genealogy, to join one person to multiple
people whose ancestors hail from many different geographical locations in
order to query the program for those who live in close proximity to each
other (each person involved has multiple locations actually). Is this
possible, as my spreadsheet has many columns with different locations, must
I make a separate line item for each location? I would also need a way to
query the results as I am only vaguely familiar with the query function
from a community college course I took a few years back, the class used
Arcgis and not QGIS. I am working with QGIS version 2.0.1 but will adjust
to earlier versions if I had a instructions or a tutorial.

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