[Qgis-user] creating an OD cost matrix in QGIS

mathieu.philibert at inspq.qc.ca mathieu.philibert at inspq.qc.ca
Wed Oct 9 12:27:22 PDT 2013


I'm a new user of QGIS with limited programming skills (I prefer using 
menus...). Can anyone help me finding a resource which will guide me 
through the steps required to produce an origin-destination (OD) cost 
matrix ? I'm looking for a step-by-step description, starting from scratch 
(ie, with my 3 shapefiles: origins, destinations, road network). Of note, 
I need to compute distances to >1 destinations for each origin.


Mathieu Philibert, Ph.D.
chercheur d'établissement
Vice-présidence aux affaires scientifiques
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
190, boul. Crémazie Est
Montréal (Québec) H2P 1E2
Tél.: (+1) 514 864-1600 p.3730
mathieu.philibert at inspq.qc.ca 
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