[Qgis-user] opening kml files

Innisfree McKinnon innisfree.mckinnon at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 23:53:19 PDT 2014

Hello all,
I'm also having an issue opening a .kml file. I downloaded a .kmz file of a
historic map and would like to open it in QGIS. After reading what I could
find online, I opened it in Google Earth and saved it as a .kml file. Then
I went into QGIS and attempted to open it as a vector layer, selecting
"files of type:Keyhole Markup Language." The title appears under layers,
but it doesn't actually display. I thought it might be a projection
problem, so I tried "zoom to to layer" but that doesn't seem to have any

Any help would be much appreciated. I could georeference the file myself,
but since it has already been done, I was trying to avoid duplicating that

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