[Qgis-user] how to calculate the overlap area of several polygons of the same shape qgis 2.4

Francesc Cañas kikocanas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 09:42:07 PDT 2015

That's brilliant!
It worked perfectly, thanks a lot.

2015-04-11 13:41 GMT-05:00 Siki Zoltan <siki at agt.bme.hu>:

> Dear Francesc,
> Create a unique field in the attribute table of your polygon layer, for
> example an ordinal number of the features ($rownum in field calculator)
> Add the same polygon layer twice to your QGIS project. Rename one of them
> not to mix them up. Use the Vector/Geoprcessing/Union (or intersection)
> between the two layers (refering to the same shape file).
> In the result you will get the columns of the two layers, names are
> changed to be unique (e.g. if you created an id column, then you get id and
> id_2). You can ignore/delete those polygons where id = id_2.
> Add an area column to the result using the field calculator.
> I hope it helps you.
> Best regards,
> Zoltan
> On Sat, 11 Apr 2015, Francesc Caas wrote:
>  Hi,
>> I'm using qGis 2.4 and I want to know the overlap area of many polygons of
>> the same shape. How can I do it? There any tool to do it or I have to do
>> some steps? There are too many polygons to create separate shapes for
>> everyone and make clips.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> --
>> *Francesc Ca˙˙as <http://francescsig.info/>*
>> Ambientoleg SIG <http://francescSIG.info>
>> <http://aixonoesunblog.blogspot.com>

*Francesc Cañas <http://francescsig.info/>*
Ambientoleg SIG <http://francescSIG.info>
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