[Qgis-user] Getting There, From Here (How to get this Shapefile into a tablet!)

Adam Sherman adam at sherman.ca
Sat Aug 29 08:11:53 PDT 2015

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 11:04 AM, James Keener <jim at jimkeener.com> wrote:

> Depending on how much space you're willing to give it, you could pre
> compute tiles and have a single-folder webpage (via the qgis2web plugin)
> you could load on your device and view it on its web browser.

Does it allow you to show your current position?

I will go read up on Osmand and look for the Android QGIS, thanks.


Adam Sherman
Directeur des opérations, Sauvetage bénévole Outaouais
Director of Operations, Ottawa Volunteer SAR
CTO, Versature Corp.
+1 613 797 6819
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