[Qgis-user] request concerning raster-data

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 06:31:31 PST 2015


The first question would be - is it a geotif or a "normal" tif?
Where did you get it from?

Usually a tif comes with an asociated tfw file (the so called world
file) for georeferencing.
You could try to create this file yourself if you know the coordinates
and the resolution.

As you did not explain what "the coordinates are wrong" means..
Is the file projected but not at the place you expect it to be?
Is the file not projected and "just loaded" somewhere (like a normal photo)?

If the file is projected you only need to either turn on
on-the-fly-reprojection or reproject it.
Is the file not projected you could try the tfw trick - if that does
not work you have to georeference.

The info in your mail is too less to help you - so I just try to guess
some things that could have happened.
>From what you describe in your last sentence - the tfw trick could
help, but you should have gotten the tif file WITH the associated tfw
file from the person you got it from.

hope this helps
kind regards

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Forstingenieurbüro natec - Christian
Lüthi <luethi at forstinfo.ch> wrote:
> Hello
> I hope I got the right list to put my questions on – els eplease tell me!
> I just started to work with QGIS 2.6.1 and opened raster-data (a .tif-file)
> as a new layer. This worked, but the referencing information included
> (showed in METADATA) is wrong, so the coordinates are wrong and need to be
> changed.
> As I know all the edges of my .tif-file (and the number of rows/columns) I
> would like to change directly the coordinates „behind“ the file instead of
> georeferencing it. But I did not manage to change the metadata directly.
> Can anybody help me with any instruction?
> Thanks a lot,
> Christian
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