[Qgis-user] Fwd: QGIS crash on loading projects

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Wed Jan 28 18:15:44 PST 2015

Try with another computer. Or zip a small project that crashes and send it along so we can test. 
 I am ready to bet that this is an install issue.  You could also try and reinstall Windows. You may need a clean installation if you have too many problems. 
You mentioned you had reinstalled Qgis but had problems with a library.  That could be it.  Make sure your anti virus is not causing issues by turning it off. 
You can also make sure that you have no accent in your user name (windows user) or spaces in the path where Qgis is installed.  
Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc. 
Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.  
8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2 
Téléphone: 514.381.5112  Fax: 514.381.4995 
Le 2015-01-28 21:03, "Matt Boyd [via OSGeo.org]" <ml-node+s1560n5184320h81 at n6.nabble.com> a écrit : 

	This is getting frustrating, would this be worth contacting the devs about? I haven't made any progress with this issue. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Matt Boyd < [hidden email] > wrote: <blockquote style='border-left:2px solid #CCCCCC;padding:0 1em' class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"> Still no luck, I've generated a log file of a crash that I don't see anything useful in. http://pastebin.com/UhuvQA4k On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Matt Boyd < [hidden email] > wrote: <blockquote style='border-left:2px solid #CCCCCC;padding:0 1em' class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"> Thanks for all the help everyone. I think I've narrowed it down to something with Print Composer. As soon as I try to start a new print composer window the project crashes. This happens even with newly created projects. The problem with other projects loading must be because most of them have a print composer window to open. Now more digging. Thanks again. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 12:01 AM, Nicolas Cadieux < [hidden email] > wrote: <blockquote style='border-left:2px solid #CCCCCC;padding:0 1em' class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"> Hi, 
Have you tried to open the projects with a different computer?  Send a simple project along and maybe we can look at it.  Are all new projects working perfectly? 
Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc. 
Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.  
8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2 
Téléphone: <a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112   Fax: <a href="tel:514.381.4995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">514.381.4995 
Le 2015-01-27 01:31, "Matt Boyd [via OSGeo.org]" < [hidden email] > a écrit : <blockquote style='border-left:2px solid #CCCCCC;padding:0 1em' style="border-left:2px solid #cccccc;padding:0 1em">

	Complete reinstall third time lucky, QGIS runs. It still crashes when I try to open an older project so I'm back to where I was this morning. I would really appreciate knowing if there is a log file generated or how to create one? On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Matt Boyd < [hidden email] > wrote: On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Nicolas Cadieux < [hidden email] > wrote: Hi, 
Personally this is what I would do. 
Completely purges Qgis from your system.  (Delete plugin directories, AND the Qgis registry keys.) Reboot. 
I would install Qgis 2.6.1 using the OSGEO install. I followed these steps. My install was already done via osge064w and uninstalling was a little tricky. I removed the directories and the registry entries. I then reinstalled QGIS via the express installer.   QGIS wouldn't start giving an error about jvm.dll missing from my computer. I manually selected the java install via the advanced option, jvm is installed and in a subfolder in C:\osgeo4w64 I suspect it's a path problem, working on this. 
I would make sure that all mapped drive are properly remapped with the proper passwords, I would install the open layer plugin and wms or other data servers. Make sure the symbols are reinstalled if you had new ones and also make sure the .svg symbol images are well mapped. 
If the problem persists, I would repurge Qgis, install and older version and try again.  
Finally, i would then start looking at the project files with a text editor to try to  understand the problem. I is likely the crash is cause by a layer that cannot be opened and that this layer depends on a plugin like openlayer, a mapped drive, wms servers... That would be my guess. 
Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc. 
Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.  
8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2 
Téléphone: <a href="tel:<a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112 " value="<a href="tel:%2B15143815112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">+15143815112 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112   Fax: <a href="tel:<a href="tel:514.381.4995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">514.381.4995 " value="<a href="tel:%2B15143814995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">+15143814995 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:514.381.4995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">514.381.4995 
Le 2015-01-26 18:16, "Matt Boyd [via OSGeo.org]" < [hidden email] > a écrit : 

	Thanks Lene, I tried that on a 3 projects this morning with no change to the behaviour. I've had 2.6.1 for a while now and these projects opened in that early last week.  I've also tried loading older projects that are still in 2.0, 2.2, and 2.4 format and the same thing happens. Most of my projects are on a network drive and I've managed to get a step further by copying those project files to a local drive. I then get the "handle bad layers" dialog, then qgis crashes. I need to dig a little to see if this is a problem in case someone has moved some of the layers the dialog is referring to but this hasn't caused a crash before. Is this behaviour logged anywhere? Thanks Mat On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Lene Fischer < [hidden email] > wrote: 

Please first update to 2.6.1.

If you have your crashed projects – you also have projects named with a .qgs~. Rename this project and delete the ~  and open it as usual. 
A lot of my students had the same problem last week – but only the ones who had forgotten to update to 2.6.1 
Hope this can help you. 

Lene Fischer 

Associate Professor 


Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management 

University of Copenhagen 


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På vegne af Matt Boyd 
Sendt: 26. januar 2015 23:29 
Til: qgis-user 
Emne: [Qgis-user] Fwd: QGIS crash on loading projects 

Just a bump to this question, does anyone know how to enable logging or find the log file? I really don't want to have to re create all my project files and I can't get any of the my old projects to open. 


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Matt Boyd < [hidden email] > wrote: 



On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Nicolas Cadieux < [hidden email] > wrote: 
If you had and "openlayer" opened (like google earth or bing map), but but did not reinstall the plugin, it can crash.  Try installing that plugin and see what happens... 

Nope, that doesn't help. 


Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc. 
Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.  
8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2 
Téléphone: <a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112 " value="<a href="tel:%2B15143815112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">+15143815112 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:<a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112 " value="<a href="tel:%2B15143815112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">+15143815112 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:514.381.5112" value="+15143815112" target="_blank">514.381.5112   Fax: <a href="tel:<a href="tel:<a href="tel:514.381.4995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">514.381.4995 " value="<a href="tel:%2B15143814995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">+15143814995 " target="_blank"><a href="tel:514.381.4995" value="+15143814995" target="_blank">514.381.4995 " target="_blank">
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Le 2015-01-22 22:46, "Matt Boyd [via OSGeo.org]" < [hidden email] > a écrit : 

woops, forgot, 

windows 7 64 bit, 

qgis 2.6 installed via osgeo4w64 


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Matt Boyd < [hidden email] > wrote: 

Hi QGISers, 

for some reason today I can't load saved QGIS projects. QGIS crashes at abour 95% loaded with no information in the notification about why. 


I've tried reinstall from osgeo4w64, reboot, start from command line, disabling all plugins. 


Where's the log file kept and is there a way to enable logging from the osgeo cl window in windows 7? 


About the only thing that's different today is a few updates, one of them being a .NET windows update. 




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