[Qgis-user] Points / Pins

Chuck Young wylie1066 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 22:09:09 PDT 2015

I need help to understand how to add a set of points to my map.  I have a
good looking base map where I have areas delineated and I need to associate
points within each area.  These need to be small pin points that can have
info connected to each one that pertains to that pin.  And able to be
viewed by clicking on the pin or at a close zoom can show directly over the

I have tried the Place a Pin plugin but it seems to be beyond me at this
time as to how to get it to work as I need it to.  The info on the plugin
said that it could be saved on exit, but I could not find a way to save it
before exit and when I closed Qgis it lost the point layer.


Thanks in advance for any help and guidance!

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