[Qgis-user] How to edit csv file

Paulo van Breugel p.vanbreugel at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 00:11:40 PDT 2015

To follow up on the below, I tried it out and it works like a charm. 
Install the tool, and there will be a few new tools on your toolbar.

Use the 'GPS tools' button which will open a menu which allows you to 
open GPX files or to get it directly from your GPX (not sure that works 
for iPhone). Opening the GPX file this way will allow you to edit, save 
and export the GPX file.

You can also create new GPX files and you have the option to connect to 
your GPS device, but I am not sure if / how that works with iPhone.



On 18-09-15 09:01, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Did you check out the GPS tools plugin for QGIS? Go to menu -> plugins 
> -> manage and install plugins and look for that name. That tool should 
> be able to handle GPX files.
> Paulo
> On 17-09-15 21:27, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> it's not possible to edit csv-files, cause they are opened as a 
>> read-only connection. (Hover with the mouse over the layer in the 
>> layer Panel, and it will show you the
>> To be able to edit your data, you have to save them to another format 
>> (ESRI-shape, spatialite etc.)
>> If you need the edited data as csv again, just export them to csv 
>> afterwards (Save as ...)
>> No idea about iPhones
>> Cheers
>> Bernd
>> Am 17.09.2015, 21:14 Uhr, schrieb Jan Becket <janbecket.net at gmail.com>:
>>> Beginning user here - just migrated from Delorme X-Map Professionsl 
>>> on the Windows side to Q-GIS on a Mac. I figured out that I cannot 
>>> edit my GPX waypoint files in Q-GIS (which I did in X-Map) and so 
>>> have shifted them to csv format w/ GPS Babel. No problem, except 
>>> that I need to frequently update and synchronize with waypoints on 
>>> my iPhone. When I open the attribute file for the csv point layer, 
>>> the edit function is grayed out. How to make the layer / source file 
>>> editable within Q-GIS?
>>> A related question - I am using Gaia GPS on the iPhone (w/ a Garmin 
>>> bluetooth GLO receiver). Is there a better iPhone app out there that 
>>> might communicate directly w/ Q-GIS and bypass the need to manually 
>>> update the csv layer?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jan Becket
>>> Honolulu
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