[Qgis-user] automatically reload (csv) file
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Sep 18 01:38:37 PDT 2015
Hi Marco,
If you have the "watch file" option of your CSV file active it will
reread data when file content changes and when your redraw your map
(either through navigation or redraw button).
I guess you could also write a small Python script if you want to
automatically trigger an update at a given interval. Maybe there is
already a plugin available - I did not look.
On 18.09.2015 10:15, Dr. Marco Lechner wrote:
> Hi Nicola,
> I guess this will only redraw the features in the mapcanvas, but not
> necessarily read the datasource file, but I'm not sure about this.
> Marco
> Am 18.09.2015 um 10:02 schrieb Nicola Poles:
>> To reload a CSV file you can press the Refresh button on the toolbar or
>> press the "F5" key
>> Nicola
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Dr. Marco Lechner <mlechner at bfs.de
>> <mailto:mlechner at bfs.de>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how (often) does QGIS read features from a file (like csv or shape -
>> differences?)? I realize I do not really know how the datasource - qgis-
>> communication goes.
>> Imaine you have a csv or shape file that is loaded into QGIS but is
>> automatically replaced from time to time (or lets say externally
>> edited). Using a database- instead of file-based approach is better for
>> sure, but still it is not clear when / how often (on which events) QGIS
>> requests features from the datasources.
>> As an idea in mind I see, the nice Sync-Plugin
>> (https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SyncQGISWithDir/) can monitor folders
>> and notify the user if a new layer is available in a folder (well it
>> does not take care of a changed layer (new timestamp of file, but adding
>> this functionality should not be such a big thing). The user could also
>> be notified when a layers file changed.
>> But I'm not sure what was the best way to implement the (re)loading of
>> an already loaded layer. Do I have to drop the layer and reload it
>> (including keeping the style) or is there a more efficient way?
>> Marco
>> --
>> Dr. Marco Lechner
>> Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz / Federal Office for Radiation Protection
>> SW2.1 Koordination Notfallschutzsysteme / Coordination Emergency Systems
>> Rosastrasse 9 | D-79098 Freiburg | Germany
>> mlechner at bfs.de <mailto:mlechner at bfs.de> | +49 (0)3018 333 6724
>> <tel:%2B49%20%280%293018%20333%206724> | www.bfs.de <http://www.bfs.de>
>> --
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