[Qgis-user] Print composer from 2.10 not working in 2.12

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 12:34:48 PDT 2016

Probably it won't help using 2.14, but can try...

In cases like that, trying not to loose all the work, I duplicate the map
composition and start eliminating items, one by one, and try to export
until I find the bad boy.

Start by the map itself as it is probably the big fish.

Also check 2.12 changelog for map composer changes, maybe  you get some

Alexandre Neto

A seg, 4/04/2016, 18:37, Uwe Fischer <gisfisch at t-online.de> escreveu:

> Hello List,
> I have a QGS document with a lot of themes and a custom legend that was
> finished in QGIS 2.10. The maps had to be delivered in PDF format. Now
> there is a minor change request in one map. I have updated to 2.12 in the
> meantime. After opening the QGS, making the change, and saving it, I was
> not able to produce a proper PDF output any more. A PDF document is
> written, but is has only 2 KB and shows up empty.
> In other projects, PDF output from 2.12 works very well.
> I’d hate to reproduce the map setup and composition in 2.12 from scratch
> for that minor change. I am not sure if it makes sense to go back to 2.10
> for that?? Or is it possible that 2.14 is able to produce output from the
> older version?
> Thanks for ideas and suggestions,
> Uwe
> --
> Ingenieurbüro Fischer
> Esbecker Str. 8
> *31036 Eime*
> Tel.: 05182/8325
> Mobil: 0172/8876934
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Alexandre Neto
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