[Qgis-user] Geojson URL's
Richard Duivenvoorde
rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Nov 13 01:23:48 PST 2016
(cc'ing to dev list too)
@Phil: I'm VERY curious if this helps... because IF it does (and it
could because: if it is actually GDAL which is pulling the json over the
net, it needs proxy info too, and it is not picked up by the Qt-network
machinery probably)....)
BUT IF this works, it woul be nice to maybe make this part of a normal
QGIS setup:
IF a user set's a proxy, also create a environment variable for GDAL!
Another option would maybe to have some wrapper around GDAL, or make
GDAL aware of using QTNetworkManager via that wrapper?
Does this makes sense?
Richard Duivenvoorde
On 12-11-16 13:45, Pasquale Di Donato wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> if you are under a proxy you have to set a GDAL variable:
> Settings --> Options --> System --> Environment --> Add a variable
> GDAL_HTTPS_PROXY and put your proxy:port in "Value"
> Hope helps,
> Pasquale
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
> <phil at wyatt-family.com <mailto:phil at wyatt-family.com>> wrote:
> Hi Folks,____
> __ __
> I have access to some dynamic geojson URL's however I cannot get
> QGIS to accept them. They are in the following format____
> __ __
> https://*myorganisation*.org.au/other/gis/get.geojson?filter[members][group][]=2337
> <http://org.au/other/gis/get.geojson?filter[members][group][]=2337>____
> __ __
> If I paste this into a web browser , (with the correct
> organisation!) I get a valid geojson file that I can save and use in
> QGIS however I want to use it dynamically via a URL____
> __ __
> I get the error____
> __ __
> *Invalid Data Source:
> *https://myorganisation.org.au/other/gis/get.geojson?filter[members][group][]=2337
> <https://myorganisation.org.au/other/gis/get.geojson?filter[members][group][]=2337>
> is not a valid or recognized data source____
> __ __
> I suspect it's something to do with authentication but I can't seem
> to get that working either.____
> __ __
> Any clues appreciated____
> __ __
> __ __
> Cheers - Phil____
> __ __
> Kiva Lender <http://www.kiva.org/lender/phil80199001>, Thin Green
> Line Supporter <http://www.thingreenline.org.au/>, Volunteer Mapper
> (GISMO) - Red Cross <http://www.redcross.org.au/volunteering.aspx>,
> Wildcare Volunteer
> <http://wildcaretas.org.au/branches/friends-of-gis/>____
> __ __
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