[Qgis-user] Question about the translate tool (under raster) - ADRG driver error

Laurence Béchet bechet.laurence at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 22:39:37 PDT 2016


While I was trying to convert a (tiff + world file) into a geo 
referenced tiff with the translate tool, I got the following error:

error 6 : ADRG driver doesn't support 4 bands (etc)

After searching on the web (unsuccessfully) I finally noticed that the 
command line auto completed itself with -of ADRG while it should be -of 
GTiff (following the help advices).

I manually changed it and it worked.
Is it normal?

Windows 8.1 64b
QGIS 2.16.2 Code revision 979e1a2

*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitākere* *

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