[Qgis-user] gdal calc part of the tiff is missing

Dietrich Heintz dheintz at gmx.net
Fri Dec 8 07:51:22 PST 2017

Dear all,
I use gdal calc to set all values below 0 to 0 and the rest remains as 
it is.
So the complete command line is call gdal_calc --calc="(A==0)*1 + 
(A>0)*A" --NoDataValue -1  --format GTiff --type Int16 -A input.tif 
--outfile output.tif

I call that as batch from OSgeo under Windows and it works in general, 
but from my output I am missing the southern part of the tif.
The input file covers the whole extent the output misses a part of it.

Anybody an idea.


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