[Qgis-user] Missing SRIDs in Linux

Spencer Gardner spencergardner at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 12:56:23 PST 2017

I have two different machines with QGIS: one is Windows 10 with QGIS 2.14
installed from the installer, the other is Ubuntu 16.04 with QGIS 2.18 and
other GIS software installed from source.

I have noticed that some SRID definitions are not available on my Linux
machine that are available on Windows. Is this a result of some
configuration tweak that I'm missing from my build? I have PROJ.4 version
4.9.2 on both machines so it's not a difference in the library version. I
suppose there could be a configuration parameter in PROJ that I'm not
setting? I'm not really sure where to start.

A few example SRIDs that I see on Windows but not in Linux:
6420 (California zone 3)
7599 (WISCRS Dane)

Thanks for any help,
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