[Qgis-user] Custom Projection in QGIS

Franklin, Chris - Perth CFranklin at rml.com.au
Wed Nov 29 18:47:13 PST 2017

I have been given the parameters for a local grid - it's a version of UTM Zone 29N but I'm not sure where I need to change the syntax

The parameters I have been given are:

rl_correct =       -24.273
yd1=                 22737.030
xd1=                 17332.250
yd2=                 25987.560
xd2=                 17893.870
ym1=                1193806.320
xm1=                820224.327
ym2=                1196784.417
ym2=                821648.929

Note the Z adjustment

This results in the following transformation

Scale=              1.00801358
Rotation=          15.4548
Shift x=            1171069.29
Shift y=            802891.987

Can someone point me in the right direction as to where these are entered?

+proj=utm +zone=29 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs



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