[Qgis-user] styling to cut out underlying features

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Thu Oct 5 03:28:39 PDT 2017

Ok, bear with me on this one!!

 1. Go to Vector - Analyais Tools - Point in Polygon, using your point
    file and polygon file as reference, create a new layer from this.
 2. Once added you can then create a Join between your data and the new
    one using only the PNTCNT Field
 3. Then you can create a Virtual Field, and using an expression like
    CASE WHEN "PNCNT" >0.5 THEN "Blank" WHEN "PNCNT" <0.5 THEN "Fill"

Your style should then be able to take care of the rest.
Ive not tested this, and I worry that the Virtual Field will stop 
working once you remove the Join.
Hope it helps, or gives someone else an idea for an improved answer


On 04/10/2017 09:18, Fuenfer-Koenigstein.Benjamin2 at swm.de wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for a way to style a point feature layer in a way that 
> underlying features are cut out by the point symbols so a raster layer 
> at the bottom of the layer tree is visible. In other words, the point 
> symbol should make underlying vector features transparent. Physically 
> editing the underlying features is not practicable as I’m working with 
> read only data sources. I’m happy to hear your ideas!
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Benjamin Fünfer-Königstein
> S-IP-AN-TG Techn. Geschäftsfelder
> Mobil: +49 (0)176 96 58 13 23
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*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
*OPW FRM Data Management*
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