[Qgis-user] Opening dxf files for 3D

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Sat Aug 25 23:22:58 PDT 2018

Hi Grant,

Are you able to share one of these dxf files containing 3d data?

Note that there are two methods to load DXF in QGIS:

1. drag and drop: uses OGR to load the data - not very good at keeping 

2. Menu "Project" --> "Import/Export" --> "Import Layer from DXF/DWG". 
This method uses another library called libdxfrw and imports the DXF/DWG 
into a new geopackage file. After that import you are not using the 
DWF/DXF anymore but view the data directly from the Geopackage. This 
method is much better if you want to keep symbology. It converts blocks 
to SVG and does a better job keeping labels than the first method.

Now about keeping 3D information: I am sure that version 1 keeps 
z-information. I just tested it and if you use the "Info-tool" you get 
3d information in the derived attributes.

I am not sure about the second method. The 3D file I had a hand did not 
load with the second method in my case.

Note: until recently, QGIS did not correctly render 3D polylines. Only 
3D polygons and multipatch geometries. So if you really want to render 
3d linestrings, you need a very recent master for testing.

Hope this information helps - if you could share one of your files, this 
would be great.


Am 26.08.2018 um 05:21 schrieb Nicolas Cadieux:
> Hi,
> I have not worked with the 3D in QGIS 3 but I did do some work with 
> Qgis2treejs a few years ago.  As far as I know, you will not be able 
> for visualise a dxf like you would in a CAD.  Qgis was, with that 
> plugin more like a 2.5D where the ground surface can be modelled with 
> a raster surface and flat polygons could be extended to make buildings 
> with a z value.   Maybe I did not get to play enough with the plugin 
> to find the proper functions...  maybe QGIS 3 has more built in 
> function?  Not sure but I think you will need a real cad software in 
> order to see a real 3D structure.  There are a few OpenSource  CADs, 
> none of which I would work with professionally :( but they may be good 
> enough for visualization.   FreeCad was one.  MeshLab or Cloud Compare 
> may work with DXF.  Not sure.
> Please correct me if I am wrong anybody.  I would like to be informed 
> if things have changed.
> Nicolas
> Le 25 août 2018 à 03:36, Grant Boxer <boxerg at iinet.net.au 
> <mailto:boxerg at iinet.net.au>> a écrit :
>> I am trying to import a 3D dxf for viewing in QGIS v3 either via the 
>> 3D window or QGIS2Threejs plugin. Whenever I import a dxf there does 
>> not appear to be any z data imported. Does anyone have any suggestions?
>> Grant Boxer
>> Perth, Western Australia
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