[Qgis-user] Bringing georeferenced rasters into QGIS

Patrick Dunford enzedrailmaps at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 19:24:01 PDT 2019

The world file only contains the coordinates and pixel size information 
for a raster file that tell Qgis where to place it on the canvas and how 
wide to draw it. This information is in the coordinates of a particular 
CRS. The world file does not actually specify the CRS. The CRS is 
specified in another file.

e.g. if I have a file called 123.jpg the world file for it will be 123.jgw

The other files (one of which at least specifies the CRS) that the 
rasters I download from a particular web site I source a lot of rasters 
from) could include:



On 3/04/19 7:29 PM, jmc at jmcgeo.com wrote:
> Hi, first post here.  I am migrating an old project to QGIS to see how 
> it handles my day to day work and have hit a snag.
> QGIS doesn’t seem to recognise my world files.  Generally these follow 
> the following filename convention:
> XXX.jpg -à XXX.jgw
> XXX.tif -à XXX.tfw
> I have tried creating a file XXX.wld and the georeferencing tool 
> cautions me that it is there and overwrites it, but when I put the old 
> data back in it, it still pays no attention.  The XXX.yzW files were 
> created in the ArcGIS georeferencing tool and work fine in ArcGIS and 
> Mapinfo.
> Thanks in advance.
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