[Qgis-user] QField: possible to add entry from relation?

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Mon Mar 18 11:18:05 PDT 2019


I'm going to try QField in the field for the first time, and, like 
always, I want to make it complicated ;)

I have a point layer with over 500 nestingboxes in a huge area, and we 
are going to inspect and clean them.

I created a Geopackage with this layer and also a non-spatial table 
where I would like to enter the results/actions which were taken on the 
boxes (value maps etc) and created a relation between those two layers 
via the box id.

In QGIS itself, I can easily add a new entry in the non-spatial table 
via the form for the point layer.

The same does not seem to work in QField, there I just see the 
attributes of the point layer and thats it.

Is there a way to use relations in QField? It's not mentioned in the 
docs (https://www.qfield.org/docs/index.html) that it is not possible, 
but actually threre is not a lot mentioned anyway ;)

Any ideas?



QGIS 3.6 on Linux Mint

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