[Qgis-user] Coordinates from wgs84 utm /expressed in meter) to wgs84 (expressed in degrees)

Azzurra Lentini lentini.azzurra at polymtl.ca
Tue Mar 19 10:43:52 PDT 2019

Good morning,
if for example my project is in this referencing system: WGS84-UTM,  
when I ask to calculate the coordinates Y and X (with field calculator  
- geometry), it will produce the coordinates in meters.
But what can I do if I want the same coordinates in degrees?  
(obviously in the same datum wgs84)

Thank you, Azzurra

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From: Azzurra Lentini <lentini.azzurra at polymtl.ca>
Subject: coordinates from wgs84 utm /expressed in meter) to wgs84 (expressed in degrees)
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 17:26:32 +0000
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