[Qgis-user] Options when loading layers into PostGIS with DBManager
Paolo Cavallini
cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Apr 20 00:10:43 PDT 2020
Another easy option is to use Processing, with its batch capabilities.
Il 19/04/20 18:08, Bo Victor Thomsen ha scritto:
> Hi Michael -
> All your questions are pertinent and needs to be redressed.
> However one small personal nitpick: If I had a task involving importing
> 200 or more layers into Postgres from some other data-source I would
> never use DBManager import with it's manual point-and-click. That's
> simply to risky
> I would use a command-line tool OGR2OGR, which is included in the QGIS
> installation: https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/pg.html. It can be started
> using the shortcut "OSGeo4W Shell" placed in the same program group as QGIS.
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
> Bo Victor Thomsen
> Den 19-04-2020 kl. 16:35 skrev Michael Dufty:
>> Thanks Jorge,
>> The DB manager also 'just works' apparently regardless of which boxed
>> I tick. I'd just like to know what is going on or if I'm setting
>> myself up for a problem later on if I load up 200 layers with the
>> wrong boxes ticked.
>> Looking more closely, it has got text greyed out if you don't check a
>> box, which may mean it is setting it to the defaults shown, and you
>> only check the box if you want to change it.
>> It would be nice to know more rather than guessing.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Jorge Gustavo Rocha <jgr at geomaster.pt>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, 19 April 2020 5:41 PM
>> *To:* qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] Options when loading layers into PostGIS
>> with DBManager
>> Hi Michael,
>> An alternative is to use the "Browser panel". I use it to drag layers
>> from the Layer panel into Postgresql. You don't have to choose any
>> parameters. It just works.
>> Regards,
>> Jorge Gustavo
>> On 19/04/20 09:42, Michael Dufty wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying out saving data in PostGIS, and have got stuck on the
>>> upload “import layer/file” dialog in DB Manager.
>>> Can anyone recommend a good reference on what options should be selected?
>>> It seems to fall into a gap between PostGIS documentation and QGIS
>>> documentation and I can’t find any information on what should be
>>> selected in what circumstances.
>>> In particular
>>> Primary key – should this be ticked and the existing id field
>>> selected? What happens if it is left unticked?
>>> Geometry column – is this needed? Objects still seem to have geometry
>>> if it is left out.
>>> Create spatial index – this sounds like a good idea, but the one
>>> youtube tutorial I found (Klas Karlson) he left it unticked and said
>>> the layer already had everything. Is it needed for some source
>>> formats and not others eg shapefile vs geopackage?
>>> Convert field names to lower case doesn’t sound very useful, but I
>>> presume it is there for a reason, does anyone know the circumstances
>>> that would be needed?
>>> Cheers,
>>> *Michael Dufty*
>>> *Senior Environmental Engineer*
>>> *4 Cook Street, West Perth WA 6005
>>> t: +61 8 9226-3166
>>> f: +61 8 9226-3177
>>> e: mdufty at mbsenvironmental.com.au
>>> <mailto:mdufty at mbsenvironmental.com.au>
>>> w: www.mbsenvironmental.com.au
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>> --
>> Logo <https://www.geomaster.pt>
>> *Geomaster*
>> *Jorge Gustavo Rocha* | Software Engineer
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