[Qgis-user] Layer Ordering for KMZ

Charles Dixon-Paver charles at kartoza.com
Sat Aug 14 07:41:47 PDT 2021

I think it's hard to assess without some sample data to evaluate.
My suspicion would be that Google Earth is rendering it according to the
feature elevations.

When you export the KML you should have the option to set
the clamptoGround/relativeToGround/Absolute for defining the altitude mode
to see if it resolves the issue, otherwise you could export smaller points
"relative" to make sure they render "above" the big points.


On Sat, 14 Aug 2021 at 16:30, krishna Ayyala <ayyalakrishna at gmail.com>

> Dear Sir,
> Thanks for your reply. I tried to rename the KML files and also the
> shapefiles. I have re-named small points as "A_Smal_Points" and big points
> as "B_Big_Points". But still "B_Big_Points" is falling on top of
> "A_Smal_Points". My task requires "A_Smal_Points" to fall on top of
> "B_Big_Points".
> Regards.
> On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 6:27 PM Fernando M. Roxo da Motta <petro at roxo.org>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 17:08:24 -0600, krishna Ayyala
>> <ayyalakrishna at gmail.com> wrote:
>>   Hi,
>>   I don't really know the answer to your question, bu it really looks
>> like GE is laying those in alphabetical order.   I don't know if the
>> name is based in the file name or in some content of the file, but you
>> could try to rename the .KML files or just the layers in Qgis before
>> export.
>>   Just my 2¢, HTH.
>> > Hello,
>> > I have a QGIS map with two vector point layers. Layer 1 is
>> > "Small_Points" and Layer 2 is "Big_Points". I have the KML tool
>> > plugin installed. I have exported each of these layers using "Export
>> > KMZ" tool. Everything exported well including the symbology.
>> >
>> > But When I add these two KMZ layers to the google earth, always
>> > "Big_Points" layer appears on top of "Small_Points" layer. In the
>> > table of contents, I tried to move "Small_Points" layer on top of
>> > "Big_Points" layer. Despite of that  "Big_Points" layer appears on
>> > top of "Small_Points" layer on the map. Can anyone help me fix this
>> > such that "Small_Points" appear on top of "Big_Points".
>> >
>> > Regards.
>>   Roxo
>> --
>> ---------------- Non luctari, ludare -------------------+ WYSIWYG
>> Fernando M. Roxo da Motta <petro at roxo.org>              | Editor?
>> Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.|  VI !!
>>                 PU5RXO | PX5Q6048                       | I see text,
>> ------------ Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?-------------+ I get text!
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