[Qgis-user] add strava heatmap to QGIS

Hugh Kelley hghklly at gmail.com
Fri May 6 08:52:24 PDT 2022


I'm hoping to add the strava global heatmap as a tile layer in QGIS.

I've done this successfully in the OSM JOSM and ID Editors without a
problem. this set of instructions/browser plugin is super helpful.

without sharing my credentials, the url is just:


It seems that I should be able to plug the same url into the QGIS  as an
xyz layer, but when I do it doesn't work. There's no error or warning, just
a blank map window. I tried including my strava login in the credentials
section but this didn't do anything and isn't necessary in the JOSM or ID

Just wondering if anyone can think of any further fixes to try or has
successfully done this themselves. The heatmap api has changed a bit in the
past couple years so what worked in the past may not work correctly today.


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