[Qgis-user] Create a polygon with a specific area size

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Tue Aug 27 09:13:31 PDT 2024

> Ujaval Gandhi ujaval at spatialthoughts.com
> Tue Aug 27 07:28:22 PDT 2024

> If you 'Identify' the polygon, it will display the polygon Area in square meters
> under the 'Derived' section. Let's call this X. If your desired area is Y,
> the scaling factor is Y/X. Use this scaling factor and scale it using the
> 'Scale' tool in the Advanced Digitizing toolbar.

Hi all,
AFAIK the correct scaling factor to use is not Y/X, but the square root 
of Y/X instead.



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