[Qgis-user] add geometry to datasets in qfield

Huesmann, Michaela michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de
Tue May 14 23:13:37 PDT 2024

Hello all,

I have an xlsx table with data sets without geometries. I would like to localize them and capture points by using qfiled on my smartphone.

In QGIS Desktop I have the option to select a data set in the graphic-free attribute table and then capturing a geometry in the map window. For this I use the “Add Part” tool. Is this also possible in QField or how would you solve it?

Thanks for your reply!

Best regards,

[Kreisstadt Steinfurt]<http://www.steinfurt.de>

 - 48565 Steinfurt

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
im Auftrag
Michaela Huesmann
Fachdienst Tiefbau

Tel.: +49 2552 925 219
E-Mail: michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de<mailto:michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de>

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