[SAC] Caching website

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Tue Jan 23 20:25:07 EST 2007

On 15-Jan-07, at 11:54 AM, Jason Birch wrote:

> Yes, let's turn it on for at least a 1 hour interval.

Okay, I've enabled caching with a 1 hour minimal cache lifetime.   
That seems high to me though I don't know how Drupal determines when  
(if at all) to regenerate content otherwise.

> Also, we should set up some mod_expires rules in the theme  
> directory so
> that static files like css and image files are cached locally for at
> least "access + 1 day".  I do this on one of my hobby sites with
> something like:
> ExpiresActive
> ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 day"
> ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 day"
> ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 day"
> ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 day"
> I also enable gzip content compression via PHP as another method that
> saves on bandwidth (at cost of CPU) and improves perceived  
> performance.
> This isn't on a Drupal site though; no idea how it interacts with gzip
> compression.

I'll leave this to someone braver than me :)  I'm not sure how one  
would do this...


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