[SAC] Introduction
Sandro Santilli
strk at kbt.io
Tue Aug 9 08:58:24 PDT 2016
On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 01:53:46PM +0200, Björn Harrtell wrote:
> I've discussed with
> strk that it could be worthwhile to evaluate options to gogs and I propose
> to try GitLab. I'm willing to install and administer GitLab for osgeo.
For a background, the idea to try GitLab near Gogs isn't new.
Tom Kralidis candidated to do this too, not sure if you can work
togheter. I think Tom was blocked by the inability of SAC to provide
a VM to install GitLab on, there might be a ticket on
https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo about that (please take a look).
There are wiki pages for listing requirements for a Git Hosting
Service and a comparison table for some candidates, it would be
useful for you to take a look and integrate if anything is missing.
See: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GitServiceRequirement
and: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GitInfrastructureComparison
Vincent Picavet donated a VM for some time on which a GitLab instance
was installed but I was blocked by being unable to configure a reverse
proxy to make it appear as published in a subdir
(git.osgeo.org/gitlab). Vincent confirmed on IRC (vpicavet, on #osgeo
@ freenode) that he could renew the host for another 3 months if
needed. You'll still need to provide instructions to setup an Apache
reverse proxy to pair with the Gogs instance, and you'll need to
configure the service to use the OSGeo LDAPs. Then, ideally, there
should be some branding.
This is what I initially did for Gogs, saving all the configuration
in a git repository that was later used to configure an instance
on one of the OSGeo machines. For Gogs it was easy to deploy as
Gogs is a simple executable with some templates, and no other
depdencies. For GitLab, the docker solution would be currently
unavailable with the existing VMs so it'd still take obtaining a
new VM to take that approach. Alternative approaches may be evaluated.
Looking forward for a plan :)
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