[SAC] [OSGeo] #1793: Reqiest for FOSS4G-announce list

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Sep 16 07:39:17 PDT 2016

Since now this involved the entire SAC community, some more reference to 
the background/next steps i proposed for sending out messages 
however, i see the writing on the wall.

will go back to grassroots.

For the love and true spirit of FOSS4G,


On 2016-09-16 11:29 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Down 7 subscribers?  I am an admin also, there is no issue.  Because of
> my messages trying to get the LOC to be more open, the engagement all of
> a sudden and ideas flowing is wonderful - the last few days some amazing
> ideas have been brought up by outsiders.   Against my advice you created
> a private google group for private loc discussions, fine, past LOC's
> have done that, but now you also complain about the public 2017 list
> after it starts to be used?  It seems you are not used to open
> discussions, at all.  I get the impression that you want to close doors
> totally.  Your response is not even in the ticket, or to the 2017 list,
> but to the whole sac community?
> I really wonder why i care so much about foss4g so much in advance each
> year, trying so hard to help, on my own time with no agenda.
> Respectfully, have a nice weekend.
> -jeff
> On 2016-09-16 11:09 AM, Guido Stein wrote:
>> Jeff & SAC members,
>> I respectfully disagree with Jeff.
>> Since the beginning of the heightened traffic on the list in early sept,
>> we have lost 7 subscribers and are now down to 94 participants on the
>> list.We lost 7% of our list so far. Some of the people who have dropped
>> off are local people we know and have been trying to recruit to
>> participate in the event.
>> We, the LOC, have been pointing people to the FOSS4G2017 list to get
>> information about our conference. Since this list is becoming more of a
>> forum and less announcnment oriented we feel it's time to open another
>> list where people can get information from the LOC (similar to how there
>> is an osgeo twitter account and a FOSS4G twitter account). I am all for
>> an active community discussion list, but not at the expense of loosing
>> people who are interested in event information, but not the conversation
>> or other OSGEO announcements.
>> I am happy to make sure our outbound messages go to as many channels as
>> needed to that all OSGEO folks are aware of this, but we need our own
>> channel with our, the LOC, message is broadcast.
>> Thank you all for your time,
>> Guido Stein
>> Co-Chair
>> FOSS4G Boston 2017
>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:34 AM OSGeo <trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
>> <mailto:trac_osgeo at osgeo.org>> wrote:
>>     #1793: Reqiest for FOSS4G-announce list
>>     ---------------------------+--------------------
>>      Reporter:  gsteinmon      |       Owner:  sac@…
>>          Type:  defect         |      Status:  new
>>      Priority:  critical       |   Milestone:
>>     Component:  Systems Admin  |  Resolution:
>>      Keywords:                 |
>>     ---------------------------+--------------------
>>     Comment (by jmckenna):
>>      I'm not sure the benefit of yet another announce list.   A 'foss4g-
>>      announce' list is actually the OSGeo-discuss list.   Have you
>>     considered
>>      sending all of your FOSS4G 2017 press releases directly to the
>> OSGeo-
>>      Discuss list?
>>      For example, a typical workflow is:
>>       - use the public foss4g2017 mailing list for discussions
>>       - draft your press releases on the OSGeo wiki (see the many great
>>      examples of past press releases for FOSS4G 2009 at
>>      https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Releases)
>>       - once you have the text and wiki ready, then send your press
>>     release to
>>      'news_item (at) osgeo (dot) org' (that step is described at
>>      http://www.osgeo.org/content/news/submit_news.html).  That news
>>     item will
>>      be magically posted to osgeo-announce/discuss (an no need of a
>> separate
>>      announce list)
>>      Does that make sense?
>>      I'll also describe this to the foss4g2017 discussion list.  As i
>>     said, it
>>      would be great to have more open discussions with the 2017 marketing
>>      committee.
>>      -jeff
>>      President Emeritus, OSGeo
>>     --
>>     Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1793#comment:1>
>>     OSGeo <http://www.osgeo.org/>
>>     OSGeo committee and general foundation issue tracker.

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