[SAC] Osgeo7

Chris Giorgi chrisgiorgi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 13:52:56 PDT 2018

Sorry for the delayed response -- this ended up in my unprioritized
messages for some reason...
It seems to be that the machine is supposed to be configured with OOB
management platform, so all that should be needed from OSU's end is to
plug it in and provide a dhcp entry for it's management interface NIC,
As for OS, my understanding was the plan was to use most recent LTS
version of Ubuntu with ZFS and LXD. I believe that Ubuntu supports
root-on-ZFS without a problem, and that should be the preferred
installation (alternate boot device is fine too, but not generally
There is no "partitioning" needed with ZFS, just create the storage
pool(s) from your storage devices and add datasets as needed without
worrying about how to split up the available space.


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