[SeasonOfDocs] How should we focus OSGeo training within SeasonOfDocs?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun May 26 13:36:55 PDT 2019

Thanks Matteo for the suggestions.

I'm keen to lean on the experience of you and our community here to 
discuss your "How to contribute" page:


* Andrew Jeffry has been a newbie QGIS documented and has helped other 
newbies getting started, and has collated his experience here: 
. Matteo and Harrissou:How do you suggest we go forward with improving 
the getting started experience with Andrew's insights? Should we invite 
Andrew to update existing getting started page with his material?

* The "How to contribute" page explains the mechanics of how to 
contribute, but where I see additional value in the SeasonOfDocs 
initiative is in addressing some of the meta issues. Answering questions 

** What content do we want to accept in the QGIS manual? How do we 
decide what is in/out?

** How should each page fit within the greater documentation and 
learning vision?

** What types of documentation do we want to create?

** What is the target persona we wish to write to for each doc type?

** What writing style/tone should be applied?

** I'd be interested to hear Jared's thoughts from the perspective of a 
senior technical writer.

* From the various owners of QGIS training material on this list: Why 
are you writing and using material outside of the core QGIS repository? 
What are your barriers to entry in getting back into a central location 
and collaborating on material development and maintenance)?

On 27/5/19 3:34 am, matteo wrote:
> Hi all,
> concerning the Training Material of QGIS I want to share some thoughts:
> It is more than welcome to add some "Use case" specific material within
> the training manual. It still needs to be updated for QGIS 3 but have a
> look here:
> https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/training_manual/forestry/index.html
> What I'll suggest is to use some specific workflow rather than
> "duplicating" some other exercise in other section.
> Also we have a complete "How to add you contribution" chapter:
> https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/training_manual/appendix/contribute.html
> where all the syntax to use is described.
> We also have badges for exercises (Easy, Moderate, Hard) and a "try
> yourself" where you can ask the user to make and exercise and then look
> at the answer.
> Normally we suggest to provide OSM data: if data are not too complex or
> specific it allows the user to replicate the workflow in his/her area of
> interest by downloading the data directly in QGIS with the QuickOSM
> plugin (another section explains how to use it
> https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/training_manual/foreword/preparing_data.html)
> Cheers
> Matteo
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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