[SoC] GeoServer mentor application

christian.mueller at nvoe.at christian.mueller at nvoe.at
Mon Apr 4 08:19:13 EDT 2011

Hi, my name is Christian Mueller and I would like to work on  
better/more flexible authentication or authorization subsystems. My  
idea is to have a multiplexing authentication plugin which allows  
different authentication mechanisms for different clients. (based on  
IP Address, login id,  http header attributes and much more).

A second important part is to offer our users the possibility to write  
their own authentication plugin and use their own backends.  
Configuration should be possible using the GUI Interface or using REST.

Should I create a description in the wiki and add a link to


Quoting Andrea Aime <andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it>:

> Hi all,
> my name is Andrea Aime, I would like to make myself available
> as a mentor for the GeoServer project.
> During the last years I've been  a core developer of GeoTools and GeoServer
> and mentored a few students in previous Summer of Code editions.
> For this summer of code I'm mainly interested in helping out whoever wants
> to work on improving GeoServer integrated security subsystem, be it
> for better/more flexible authentication or authorization subsystems.
> I'm in any case open to other ideas, web GIS is a vast and beatuful
> subject, there is a ton of interesting stuff that could be done.
> Some ideas here:
> http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Google+Summer+of+Code+2011
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Tech lead
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:      +39 0584 962313
> mob:    +39 333 8128928
> http://www.geo-solutions.it
> http://geo-solutions.blogspot.com/
> http://www.youtube.com/user/GeoSolutionsIT
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaaime
> http://twitter.com/geowolf
> -------------------------------------------------------
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