[SoC] Weekly Report 7 : PyOSSIM Project

Vipul Raheja vipul.iiith at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 23:46:53 EDT 2011


I have updated the project page for this week. Following are the updates:

This week was quite progressive and much work reached completion this week.

   1. Finalized on the hierarchy of wrapped classes as the one similar to
   the existing one i.e. functionality-based for easy understanding and
   maintainability of code.
   2. Coded the basic swig-wrapper interface classes for the OSSIM
   projection and base modules. This completed the coding of some basic classes
   of the library.
   3. Compiled and tested the init and imaging interface wrappers coded
   earlier by importing the pyossim module from a Python console and calling
   different functions of respective classes. The porting has been good so far,
   giving smooth results.
   4. Code has been committed to  GitHub Page. (In the  init and  imaging
   modules). The init module also contains the compiled files, SWIG-generated
   files and the resulting python library.

Work to be done next week:

   1. Continue the compilation and testing for the projection and base
   module swig-wrappers.
   2. Upon completion of the compilation/Testing process, evaluate the API
   missed, and proceed accordingly based on the testing/compilation feedback as
   well as requirement of additional functionality needed to be wrapped.
   3. Begin work on the packaging of the PyOSSIM API in a Python module.
   4. Fill out the Midterm evaluation on Melange.

Feedback is most welcome.
Wiki page is at http://trac.osgeo.org/ossim/wiki/GsocPyOssim#Week7Report

Thanks and Regards,
Vipul Raheja
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