[SoC] Re: GSoC QGIS Mobile

Marco Bernasocchi marco at bernawebdesign.ch
Tue Apr 3 13:12:54 EDT 2012

On 04/02/2012 06:25 AM, Ramón Carrillo wrote:
> Hi Marco.
> As I mentioned you in a earlier email. I expect to use Qgis for Android
> for monitoring a device that we will throw to sea. That device will be
> equipped with a few sensors.
> Beside the cloud syncing, I'm interest in syncing without connection at
> all. I expect to use Qgis at places where there aren't 3G connection. I
> think that syncing through USB may be useful.
yep, or bluetooth
> Then, I would like to develop:
> - Display local map data.
(already available, needs a new GUI - this is the most inportant part of 
the project)
> - Show current location.
(already available)
> - Syncing (Qgis cloud and USB).
> - No-connection mode.
> Those features are perfect for my purposes!
> Once finished it, I might start the development of the other features.
> The postgis provider is my favorite.
(already available, all providers are already ported, you can just use them)
> And finally, what about Python support?
Looking into it right now, and plan to work on it at the Hackfest. But I 
think that Python would be more for the bigger tablet interface.

> Regards,
> Ramón
> El 31 de marzo de 2012 16:22, Marco Bernasocchi <marco at bernawebdesign.ch
> <mailto:marco at bernawebdesign.ch>> escribió:
>     Hi Guys, I'm super happy that both of you are interested in working
>     on QGIS mobile. I was wondering if you have more specific ideas in
>     wich direction you might want to develop?
>     there are many things that can be done beside a new dedicated GUI
>     Display (local) map data
>     Show current location
>     Digitizing / Editing
>     Adapt Offline Editing plugin
>     (
>     - Use providers do allow wfs, wms, postgis,...
>     - web map caching of osm tiles the way gvsig mobile does
>     - syncing of qgis projects from the desktop to the mobile device
>     maybe in a way similar to qgis cloud pushing
>     - seamless connection/no connection mode
>     )
>     have further ideas?
>     ciao Marco
>     --
>     Marco Bernasocchi
>     www.opengis.ch <http://www.opengis.ch>

Marco Bernasocchi

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