[SoC] Traffic simulation Modeling using OSM data

sourav dutta mailsouravdutta at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 22:48:06 EDT 2012

Sorry for mailing in so late, i came to know about Gsoc few days ago.
I am Undergraduate doing my Btech-Hons for IIIT - Hyderabad. I have worked
in OCR, Vision,(Sfm) ,Image Processing,Information retreval.

OSM data have been used for path finding...with A star algo etc.but it is
never used for simulation of traffic.

Traffic monitoring and simulation has been worked on for some time now.
There are very elaborate systems like MITSIM which gather data from
various sources  and  design a traffic model. But the problem is it is very
difficult to implement them. The information about the streets, traffic
data, satellite data etc. is difficult to gather.
     My idea is to design a traffic simulation using OSM data. as the OSM
data is readily available and is available in many formats. To model the
traffic probabilistic or network flow models are popular. But to get a more
accurate simulation want to use  multiple vehicles as bots interacting with
each other.
A basic overview of my idea ...

1) first we need the area where want the simulation to run. This would be
done by defining a rectangular region in the map. This data can be stored
   in posgreSQL which will make it easier to use the data.
2) Next we define for all the bots - source and destination and this find
the appropriate path(A star) to go.
3) At the heart of the simulation we need to have a engine which would
handle the collision etc. and directs the bots etc. I have tried a few
   engine but their performance degrades steeply decreases with the
increase of number of objects.
4)  So I want to use my own engine with only few rules for collision etc.
The brute for implementation would require to check each bot with other bot
   ( the same thing which makes other engines slow O(n^2) ). But i plan to
use a implementation of KD-tree, ANN(Approximate nearest neighbour) Open
  source  implementation of the same exists and works pretty well. This
would allow the matching to be done in O(nlogn).
   ANN implementation (http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/)
5) To manage the interaction of the bots the memory requirements skyrockets
as the number of bots increases. ie why i wish to treat them as
    There are nice implementations of "distributed multi-agent framework"
which use shared memory to manage the agents( bots in our case).
6)  congestions , bottlenecks and collisions can thus be detected. In the
7) Future Works - Once this frameworks is complete data from other sources
like the traffic lights flyovers etc.. can be incorporated in the existing

Sourav Dutta
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