[SoC] OSgeo GSoC - Introduction

andrea antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 04:04:20 EDT 2012

Hi Carol,
next step would be to subscribe to the mailinglists of the projects,
present yourself there and start a discussion about the projects you are
interested in. I am sure that mentors interested will join you in the

Best regards,

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Carol Hansen <carolbhansen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> My name is Carol Hansen, a Computer Science student in Chicago, finishing
> up my senior year. I will be applying for Google Summer of Code 2012, and I
> was so excited to see OSGeo as one of the participating organizations.
> Primarily, I am interested in applying my degree to GIS. As far as my
> skills and background, I am familiar with Java (currently taking a
> server-side course and coding Java Servlets and JSPs), Ecplise and RAD,
> HTML/CSS, SQL, tiny bit of Python (going over basic scripting in my web-GIS
> course this semester), ArcGIS, GRASS, and Google Earth.
> There are a number of projects I am interested in contributing to,
> particularly with
> QuantumGIS and uDIG, but I am having difficulty deciphering which ones I
> am best suited for based on my background. I admit some of the Project
> suggestions went a little over my head, but they involve technologies I
> would love to become familiar with.
> Here are a few of the projects I am interested in...Any suggestions?
> *QGIS Projects:*
>    - QGIS for mobile phone devices
>    - QGIS tool for vector data merging
>    - Scripting: Make QGIS scriptable, in order to be able to do
>    reperitive tasks with a simple scripting language. Qt includes a built in
>    scripting interface based on ECMA standards for making applications
>    scriptable.
>    - Database Manager: Integrate PostGIS Manager, SpatiaLite Manager,
>    RtSqlLayer and other related plugins to create a multi-db manager easily
>    expandable to manage other spatial DBs.
> *uDIG Projects:*
>    - Create an OSM editor in uDig that would be the first full GIS based
>    editor (ie. not just a graph editor with background maps)
>    - Support powerful OSM data mining capabilities in uDig and Geotools
>    (perform queries on open street map not currently possible in existing OSM
>    tools, but relatively easy with Neo4j)
>    - Support full set of geospatial operations as in PostGIS
>    - Create a gis general purpose database plugin for uDig with hibernate
>    (also spatial). The plugin would expose extension points to register
>    spatially and nonspatially enabled classes. With such a plugin one would be
>    able to rely on the neo4j database support easily from any udig plugin
>    without having to wonder what database is backing the persistence. Keeping
>    the interfaces clear, it would be fairly easy to allow for seamless
>    connection to neo4j as to postgis.
>    - KML Reader and Writer
> What would be the next steps to get involved and contribute?
> Thank you!
> Carol Hansen
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