[SoC] Java Surface Model Library/API For GeoTools

Julian Padilla padillajulian1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 17:42:11 PDT 2013

Hello everyone at GsoC!

First off I would like to apologize for turning in my weekly report this
late. This past weekend was a bit hectic for me, so please bare with me. So
here are the finished tasks for last week:

The following methods were completed in the ThreeDimensionalLine class:

-Completed getHorizontalDirectionAsDouble method:





-Implemented a sortable coordinate collection in the point utilities

-Created Javadoc comments for the HasElevation interface and the
ElevationIndex class;

-Created a LineStringUtilities class and added getLowestCoordinate and
getHighestCoordinate methods to it;

-Implemented the HasElevation interface in the TinBreakline class,
TinBoundary class, and TinPoint class.

And now for the task list for this week:

-Implement HasElevation interface on TinBoundary and TinFace class;

-Write some high-level library architecture documentation;

-Create GeoTools wiki page for module;

-Continue and finish the work on the ThreeDimensionLine class and Creeping
Network TIN Building Algorithm.

And finally Write progress report for mentor mid-term evaluation.

Thanks again GsoC,


Project: Java Surface Model Library/API For GeoTools
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