[SoC] GeoTools Module for Surface Model (TIN) API

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Fri May 3 00:30:59 PDT 2013

On Thu, 2 May 2013 17:00:44 -0700
Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com> wrote:

> My nephew Julian, who is currently a civil engineering student
> working at a GIS internship for my company, has submitted an
> application under the Google Summer of Code umbrella.
> His proposal is for the development of a low-level Java API for
> surface model (TIN) data. As part of the project we would define a
> standard text file format for TIN data and breaklines, provide a
> reader/writer for that file format, a builder to construct TIN models
> from JTS input geometries, and (if time allows) some basic analysis
> capabilities.
> I've agreed to serve as Julian's mentor for this project, and I've
> bounced the project idea of the GeoTools developer's mailing list.

Hello Landon,

great news!

Julian, please refine your application according to mentors' comments
until the deadline (in around half a day!). You are also invited to
write on mailing lists and IRC channels from now on: students who are
active on the project's communication channels are more likely to be

> Thanks.
> Landon

Thank you and all the best!
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