[SoC] GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 6

Martina Porfiri martina.porfiri at uniroma1.it
Fri Jun 27 15:14:27 PDT 2014

Hi all,
below you can find the week report n°
.Work done

   - I have linked OpenGL transformation matrices to loaded actor (image),
   achieving in glActorImage class; at the moment I am able to apply partial
   translation and rotation just in the x and y direction (2D)

   - I have investigated the usage and the application of OpenGL functions
   for managing loaded image also in the 3D space, as:
      - 'gluPerspective', to set up a perspective projection matrix
      - 'glMatrixMode', to specify which matrix is the current matrix; I
      focused my attention on GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION modes

Work to be done in the next week

   - I will analyze how applying right translation and rotation matrices
   also in the z direction (3D), implementing specific method in GlImageActor
   class (and other OTB-ICE classes if it will be necessary)

   - I will resume project tests building

Blocking issues

   - Even if I understood how applying transformation matrices on loaded
   image, at the moment I am unable to move it how I would (i.e. in the 3D
   space and without distortions) and I have to better investigate and
   understand OpenGL functions usage and potentialities

*Project links:*

Wikipage: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/GSoC_2014_project
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Mporfiri/gsoc_2014

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