[SoC] [GSoC] Report - Flow algorithms for pgRouting - Week 10

Andrea Nardelli nrd.nardelli at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 08:31:01 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I am working on the implementation of maximum flow algorithms and their
applications for pgRouting during the GSoC 2016. This is my tenth report.
1) What did you get done this week?

This week I did the code improvements I mentioned last week. All of the
functions now have an additional return value that represents the ID of the
original edge in the graph. This meant I had to refactor docs and tests.
For the remainder of the week, a lot of work went into making sure the
project builds correctly on Travis and Appveyor, with the tests included.

2) What do you plan on doing next week?

Next week I am going to be on holiday, so I will not be able to work.

3) Are you blocked on anything?


You can check the branch I'm working on here:


Best regards,
Andrea Nardelli
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