[SoC] Week 9 Report - Gisquick platform extension

David těthal davidtethal at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 15:38:04 PDT 2018

Hello everyone,
my report for week 9 is listed bellow.
More detailed info is in project wiki page [1]

*What did you get done this period?*
- Almost all of my work was done on one major task "add raster data support
into Gisquick plugin" [2]. This task is composed of multiple subtasks that
are mentioned in project wiki [1]. I did most of the it but there are still
some subtasks that has to be done in next week.
- Fix bugs discovered within previous weeks [3]

*What do you plan for next week?*
- As I mentioned before, I will continue my work on raster layers support
for Gisquick plugin for QGIS
- There are some bugs and enhancements that I did not finished last week
[4] [5]
- I will finish raster layers filtering on Gisquick client. I am going to
add more advanced filtering and animation settings for raster layers.

*Are you blocked on anything?*
- I am not blocked.

Project wiki page [1]
Gisquick client repository [6]
Gisquick plugin for QGIS repository [7]

[1] *https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-gsoc2018/wiki/GSoC-2018-Extension-of-Gisquick-platform#progress-timeline
[2] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-qgis-plugin-gsoc2018/issues/6
[3] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-qgis-plugin-gsoc2018/issues/5
[4] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-gsoc2018/issues/12
[5] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-gsoc2018/issues/11
[6] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-gsoc2018
[7] https://github.com/davidtethal/gisquick-qgis-plugin-gsoc2018

David Tethal
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