[SoC] New rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop- Report week 3

Mauro Carlevaro gianimauro at vera.com.uy
Fri Jun 14 05:11:05 PDT 2019

Dear community, 

I send you the weekly report corresponding to the period from June 10th to June 16th. 

What did I complete this week? 


Study of the rule. Complete analysis of names, descriptions, solution to be performed, actions, solution per action and all the requeriments following the steps established in the document: Topology Rules for gvSIG Desktop: Development guide .[1] 

Topological rule: Must be covered by endpoint of [2]. I started to codify the rule and to get ready the file structure to perform the integration with the topology framework. Code developed. [3] 

Test and document more thoroughly. 

What am I going to achieve for next week? 

For the next week the tasks are: 


Topological rule: Must be covered by endpoint of. The rule will be implemented and included in the topology framework. 

Test and debug the developed code. 

Document the entire process. 

Is there any blocking issue? There isn't any blocking issue, but implement the rule is being laborious. The extra time used to complete this rule, compared with the first rule, it will be compensated at the time of integrate the rule with the topological framework. The learned in the first and second week will make it possible complete the tasks at time. It is expected that the same will happen with the following rules, although these will increase in complexity, it will be possible to complete the sprints on time. Each rule provide usefull learning that allow complete the follow tasks. 


[1]. Base guide to perform the integration made by Óscar Martínez, Topology Rules for gvSIG Desktop: Development guide. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1th0CVKOr918ltBI9czTJsRKAYSGnY6xpiY1R2415QMU) 

[2]. https://github.com/Maureque/gvsig-gsoc2019-topology/wiki/4.-Must-be-covered-by-endpoint-of 

[3]. https://github.com/Maureque/TopologyRuleMustBeCoveredByEndpointOfPoint 

GiitHub wiki link: https://github.com/Maureque/gvsig-gsoc2019-topology/wiki/New-rules-for-the-Topology-Framework-in-gvSIG-Desktop 

OSGeo wiki link: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_rules_for_the_Topology_Framework_in_gvSIG_Desktop 

Best regards, 

Mauro Carlevaro. 

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