[OSGeo-Standards] [OSGeo-Discuss] OGC liaison memberships

Adrian Custer acuster at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 06:12:35 PDT 2013

On 6/7/13 8:16 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> On 2013-06-06 1:47 PM, Adrian Custer wrote:
>> At the OGC, I will represent myself only. I will describe my association
>> with OSGeo as 'a second-class, non-voting member' to go along with my
>> 'second-class, non-voting membership of the OGC', a nice parallel of
>> dysfunctionality of the two groups.
> Adrian: to clarify, you are an active member of the OSGeo community.
> You are 'first-class'.
> Don't forget, OSGeo 'membership' itself is very unclear, it essentially
> comes down to activity, and you're one of our most active members
> recently (great!).
> So, keep on doing your thing, and in my mind you are a vocal OSGeo member.
> -jeff
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Hey Jeff,

Thanks for the encouragement.

Unfortunately, as I told you in Buenos Aires, your perspective reveals 
the fundamental disconnect built into the fabric of OSGeo. To you and 
all the 'in' crowd, everything feels fine and dandy with all the two 
tier systems at OSGeo: 'charter members' and 'non-charter members', 
'OSGeo projects' and 'non-OSGeo projects'.

Those of us on the outside perhaps see more clearly the weaknesses and 
issues with this multi-tier, exclusionary setup.


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